Our Focus is on the all round development of the communities around our project located mostly in rural area.
Our partners in development are Government bodies, village panchayat and end beneficiaries - the villagers
All projects are planned in a participatory manner in consultation with the community, literally meeting with them and gauging their basic needs. Based on the consensus and in discussion with the village panchayat, we prioritize requirements. One of our unique initiative is to develop model villages, so our company is working towards the total transformation of the village in proximity to our projects. Making of model village entails ensuring self-reliance in all aspects viz. Education, Health-Care & Family Welfare, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Beautification, Sapling and plantation and Water-Shed Management and working towards sustainable livelihood patterns.
Our rural development activities span five key area and our single-minded goal here is to help build model villages that can stand on their own feet. Our focus areas are Healthcare, Education, Sustainable Livelihood, Basic Infrastructure and espousing social causes